Ostendo web integration
Kook has significant experience integrating Ostendo with online platforms.
You've got all your data in Ostendo, why not take advantage of it to sell online, streamline processes, improve efficiencies and reduce mistakes.

Ostendo integration services
API integration
eCommerce applications
Custom solutions
Get your business data online via Ostendo
Whether its products or customer account data you want online, we can help
Ostendo is quickly finding favour with small to large businesses as an extremely affordable ERP system with a level of functionality found in much more expensive ERP systems. Ostendo includes the Freeway mobility app that provides mobility functions throughout the system.
When your business operational needs have outgrown your accounting package you don't need to change accounting system. Ostendo becomes the business front-end interface while integrating with your accounting package for financial functions. Ostendo links with many popular systems such as MYOB, QuickBooks Online, Xero, Reckon Accounting, MoneyWorks and Sage Pastel Evolution.
Ostendo is a fully integrated ERP system that provides you with the operational capabilities you need for any mix of:
- Manufacturing
- Sales and distribution
- Service and maintenance
- Contracting
Ostendo is developed in New Zealand for Australian and New Zealand business requirements for companies who are involved in a variety of business activities.
Ostendo has an API and can be customised to integrate with specialist third party systems, such as web stores.
Ostendo core operations include:
- Inventory control with stock counts and transfers
- Barcoding
- Multiple sites, warehouses and bin locations
- Inventory tracking by batch number, expiry date, serial number, revision
- Quality control
- Supplier catalogues
- Purchasing and landed cost
- Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
- Manufacturing
- Custom-configured products
- Foreign currency
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Comprehensive pricing and discounting
- Quoting
- Jobs and projects
- Labour and timesheets
- Job costing
- Call centre
- Preventive service and maintenance
- Scheduling and planning
- Sales orders and dispatching
- Point-of-Sale (POS)
- Custom reports
Kook works with and recommends Ibis as an Ostendo partner. They have offices in Australia and New Zealand.
Ibis Business Intelligence Solutions
P: 1800 424 824
E: info@ibisbis.com.au
New Zealand
P: 0800 424 824
E: info@ibisbis.co.nz