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WordPress: 5 Benefits

WordPress For Small Businesses While the WordPress content management system is continually praised as a comprehensive blogging platform, it is rarely recognised as the affordable and effective website solution for small businesses

WordPress For Small Businesses

While the WordPress content management system is continually praised as a comprehensive blogging platform, it is rarely recognised as the affordable and effective website solution for small businesses. So let’s take a look at a few of the reasons why WordPress is the ideal solution for small businesses:

1: Easy To Use

The WordPress platform is considered one of the easiest to use web publishing platforms currently on the market: and it’s free. The content management system was designed for those with the modest, basic technological capabilities. Once your WordPress website is set up, you have the ability to add content with ease; whether it’s text, images, audio or video. The simplicity and ease of the WordPress platform ensures long-term value and stability.

2: Search-Engine Optimisation
Right out-of-the-box WordPress maintains good search-engine optimisation practices. The basic settings and defaults ensure strong search-engine performance, with a comprehensive level of control given to the user. Premium themes and plugins offer an additional level of performance through changes to the website structure and content manipulation. The WordPress platform makes search-engine optimisation a somewhat manageable task for even the most novice of webmasters.

3: Inexpensive
Anybody is able to download and use the WordPress package for their website through The set up of a WordPress website will require some web expertise, but there is an extensive supply of WordPress designers and developers out there; so it’s just a matter of finding the right price. The WordPress content management system provides small businesses with a comprehensive and affordable online solution; offering a much larger return on investment. So what do you usually pay for? Well, that’s the hosting, but don’t worry, because while it’s not free, it’s not expensive either.

4: Control
Maintaining your own WordPress website provides you with the ultimate control of your business’ online presence. If you need to update content, create new posts or develop existing pages, you can do it yourself. If you feel like changing the appearance of your website, simply find a new theme, upload it, activate it, and you’re done. There is an abundance of benefits in using the WordPress platform, as it provides a functional, flexible and cost-effective solution.

5: Support
Possible due to its popularity, there are thousands of designers and developers who specialise in WordPress websites. The beauty in the plentiful availability of support is the added elements of flexibility and choice. If you are not satisfied with the level of help one WordPress designer is offering, you can be sure you are able to find an alternative. WordPress is the ultimate do-it-yourself, self-managed small business website solution.

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