Digital Marketing tips

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Digital marketing tips

Where can Google advertisers show ads?

When advertising on Google, ads can appear in the Google search results, Google Search Partners Network or Google Display Network depending on the ad format you choose to advertise with.

When running search ads, the advertisements appear in the Google search results as text-only ads. Ads may also appear within the Google Search Partners' websites if the advertiser chooses to expand to this network.

If display advertising or video advertising is chosen, ads will appear on the Google Display Network, which consists of common sites such as Gmail and YouTube as well as many other partner websites and apps, in the form of a video or image banner.

Shopping ads also can appear within both the Google search and display networks, however typically show at the top of the search results page in Google as product-related advertisements that include both text and an image.

It is important to note that targeting on each of these networks can be narrowed or expanded as Google Ads allows you to exclude placements on specific websites and networks as required.

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