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Website Design, Development & Digital Marketing Insights from Kook

What your website stats are telling you about your mobile audience

OK so we all know you should have a website that’s responsive for mobile devices, and we know Google is going to reward mobile-responsive sites, and if you think about your own browsing habits you will soon realise that everyone else is doing the same as you

OK so we all know you should have a website that’s responsive for mobile devices, and we know Google is going to reward mobile-responsive sites, and if you think about your own browsing habits you will soon realise that everyone else is doing the same as you.


So when you are sitting on your lounge at night, or out on the job site, or walking around the shopping centre, or having a coffee and surfing the net, you want to see a website that is easy to read, easy to navigate around and easy to send an inquiry or buy a product with as little fuss as possible.

But if you need just a little more convincing than your own experience, take a look at what your website statistics are trying to tell you.

Website A

Fig 1 is showing you that there are actually more people going to this site (a retail shopping site) on a mobile device (including tablets) than on the desktop. (“Yes” is mobile, “No” is desktop)

Wow, whoodathunkit.

Actually we’re not really surprised because we’ve been seeing this shift for almost 12 months and the majority of our clients’ sites are in the range of 30-45% mobile.

With this website, all looks pretty good until you realise this is a non-mobile responsive site. Considering this it’s a surprise the Pages per Visit and Average Visit Duration are holding as well as they are.


But here’s where the cracks start to appear. Look what happens when you look at the purchasing habits. Half the conversion rate to a sale from a mobile. The goal here is to close the gap in that statistic.



In the next graph we look at a different website that is also screaming for better usability from mobile users but for different reasons.

Website B

The share of mobile visitors is only <15% of total traffic. The telling stats here though are the huge difference between the Pages/Visit (1) and the average visit duration (2) which are less than half of the desktop website. The bounce rate (those who only view the first page before leaving the site) is also very high at 60% on mobile. It’s telling you the people who get there don’t like what they see.


As you can see, from a 5 minutes surf around your statistics you can tell a lot about what your audience is trying to tell you. So stop ignoring them!

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