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Website Design, Development & Digital Marketing Insights from Kook

Web designer disappeared and you are locked out of Google Analytics?

There's nothing more valuable to a website than it's historical Google Analytics data. Here's what to do if you're locked out.

Google Analytics tracks every visit to your website. It tells us everything we need to know about every session, including:

  • Where the session came from
  • What device the session was using to view your website
  • How long it was on your website and how many pages were viewed
  • Whether there was a sale or other high value action

Google Analytics is how we determine how effective your website is. Without it, we're just guessing. So believe us when we say there's nothing more valuable to a website than its historical Google Analytics data. 

What to do when you're locked out of Analytics

It's very common for web designers to setup Analytics when they design a new website, and often times they use their own Google account for this, or never give the account username and password to you. You might not have even thought to ask for it when your website was built (you do have a business to run).

If you’ve gone to your Google Analytics login and failed to sign in, you may be locked out. So what happens when you suddenly need to get access to Analytics, but the web designer who setup your website is missing in action? How to access your account becomes tricky.

First Step: Contact your original web designer

Ask for the username and password to recover account. If the Analytics property was created in their account, it should be no problem for your web designer to add you to your Analytics property by following these Google Analytics user management directions.

Can't reach your web designer? Is he or she missing in action, out of business or now the member of a secluded cult? What then? What can you do to get access to your Analytics account without the aid of your web designer?

Not-So-Great Option 1: You could start over from scratch

It's easy to setup a new Google Analytics account, and any web developer should be able to easily help you install the code for that new Analytics property on your website. But this means any historical data will be lost. Not an ideal solution. 

Better Option: Kook can help retrieve your Analytics property!

All we need is FTP access to your website and we can help you retrieve your existing Analytics property even if it was setup by your former web designer who is now the member of a cult in the remotest areas of South America. If you had Google AdWords or AdSense linked to Analytics it gets a bit trickier, but nothing that the pros in the Kook Digital Marketing department can't handle. The process to retrieve the Analytics account can be long and tedious, but as an experienced Google Premier Partner, Kook can help fast track the process and reclaim your Analytics account as quickly as possible (which is usually just a few business days). 

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