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Website Design, Development & Digital Marketing Insights from Kook

The Importance of the Google Webmaster Guidelines

Google Webmaster Guidelines are important. Many businesses underestimate the importance of following the Google Webmaster Guidelines and the adverse effects not following these guidelines can have on your business. The guidelines while listed as a basic list of ideas are in fact a list of rules which, if broken, can lead to penalties being applied to your site which are quite difficult to remove

Google Webmaster Guidelines are important.

Many businesses underestimate the importance of following the Google Webmaster Guidelines and the adverse effects not following these guidelines can have on your business. The guidelines while listed as a basic list of ideas are in fact a list of rules which, if broken, can lead to penalties being applied to your site which are quite difficult to remove.

Maintain a high search position

Abiding by the webmaster guidelines has become the best way to maintain a high search position over an extended period of time, this is what is known in the search engine optimization business as white hat SEO. The alternative methods outside the guidelines are known as black hat SEO and while these methods may indeed yield slightly higher results over the short term the possibility of a penalty being applied if or when the far outweigh any short term gain.

Penalties can cause your site to either disappear from search results completely or be ranked much lower than your competitors.

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