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Website Design, Development & Digital Marketing Insights from Kook

The Google Analytics URL Builder

The Google Analytics URL Builder is a free tool from Google that allows users to analyse which of their marketing efforts are generating traffic and conversions. Whether you’re creating a unique link for your newsletter campaign or a Facebook status, the Google Analytics URL Builder produces much more reliable website traffic data.

The Google Analytics URL Builder is a free tool from Google that allows users to analyse which of their marketing efforts are generating traffic and conversions. Whether you’re creating a unique link for your newsletter campaign or a Facebook status, the Google Analytics URL Builder produces much more reliable website traffic data. Put simply, the Google Analytics URL Builder adds special tracking data, which enables you to determine where your website visitors are coming from. The Google Analytics URL Builders is highly beneficial as it allows you to group website visitors by marketing efforts. Once your link is in place, you have the ability to:

  • See how customers react to your marketing efforts
  • View return on investment for marketing initiatives
  • Learn which email subjects / facebook posts work and which don’t

Step One

First, you are going to need to navigate to the Google Analytics URL Builder, and then insert your 'Website URL'. This simply refers to the webpage address that you are going to send your visitors to.

Step Two

Now it is a matter of filling out the other three parameters that we are going to track. These parameters refer to the information which is eventually added to the end of the generated link (query string).

  • Campaign Source: This is going to tell Google where exactly the traffic is from (e.g. 'Facebook' or 'Google')
  • Campaign Medium: This refers to the type of place the traffic is from (e.g. 'cpc' or 'email')
  • Campaign Term: This field is only applicable in some cases, and refers to the advertisement keywords
  • Campaign Content: This field is also only applicable in some cases, and refers to advertisement content
  • Campaign Name: This is simply used to describe and differentiate your campaign

Step Three

Finally, to generate your new link, it is just a matter of clicking 'Submit'. This new link can be copied and pasted into your relevant marketing medium (i.e. newsletter or Facebook). This process can be repeated for any links you wish to include within your marketing promotions. This will enable you to see which visitors are actually converting, and allow you to make changes accordingly. Once your marketing promotion has been distributed, and the generated link utilised, your data can be analysed within Google Analytics (assuming it is setup for your website). Simply navigate to the 'Acquisition' tab, and then select 'Campaigns'. Within 'Campaigns', you can view specific website data for the visitors from the relevant marketing campaign. As a general rule of thumb, the tighter and more segmented your campaign groups are, the better. Structured campaign grouping will make the monitoring and evaluation of your campaign data much easier, particularly in the long run.

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