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Optimising Your LinkedIn Company Profile

LinkedIn? The answer; yes. A common question from both businesses and individuals is whether or not they should bother optimising their LinkedIn profiles to compliment their search-engine optimisation strategy. The answer; yes

LinkedIn? The answer; yes.

A common question from both businesses and individuals is whether or not they should bother optimising their LinkedIn profiles to compliment their search-engine optimisation strategy. The answer; yes. Although often considered an online r?sum? website that is purely user focused, LinkedIn provides huge (often overlooked) benefits through it’s professional networking community.


It wasn’t too long ago that LinkedIn only allowed users to post purely naked URLs to their profiles, however after recent changes; users can now post unobstructed URLs, enabling healthy links from a prominent, trusted domain.

The LinkedIn ‘Company Page’ is a recent addition that allows companies to recruit, market and engage with potential clients/customers and employees. The LinkedIn social network has witnessed continuous growth in recent years (particularly in the Australian market), maintaining an increasingly beneficial search-engine optimisation opportunity. A successful LinkedIn profile requires three key elements:

  • A professional/personal profile photo
  • An appropriate level of content that addresses all areas
  • A unique webpage address for your profile


#1 – An effective, keyword rich ‘Company Overview’
The first (and arguably most important) step in optimising your company’s LinkedIn page is to develop a strong ‘Company Overview’. This content essentially acts as your page’s meta description; communicating what your business does, and how it goes about it. Promote keyword rich content that your potential clients or customers are likely to search for.

This field is a chance for you to be creative, just don’t get carried away. Your description should still be truthful and concise. Keep in mind that your target audience has significantly limited time; cut to the chase yet communicate the vital aspects of your job description. While you are encouraged to be as thorough as possible, your ‘Company Overview’ should remain succint; prioritising the most important pieces of content to the top of the field.

#2 – Communicate your company’s specialities
Much like the user profile, LinkedIn allows the company profile to nominate numerous specialities for your business. These specialities will usually include particular services or products that your business offers. Analyse the search patterns and terminology of your customers and develop a strategy that targets the keywords that are likely to convert. This feature is an effective search-engine optimisation tool, and should be used as such.

#3 – Build a following
As with any social network, building a solid base of followers is always going to be an important part of the process. A strong base of followers communicates visibility, credibility and trust for your company. While the task of building a follower-base may seem daunting at first, the burden can be reduced by simply requesting employees, customers and clients follow the page. Promote the company profile through your various other social networks (e.g. Facebook & Twitter) where you already have a targetted market.



LinkedIn is one of the few social media networks that every business or professional should be using; a keyword reliant system that maintains an appropriate environment regardless of the industry. It is clear that LinkedIn has become a strong digital marketing tool; for both social media networking and search-engine optimisation. LinkedIn allows for a simple, yet professional environment to engage with clients, customers and employees; with recommendations communicating credibility and quality. Network with other industry players and produce enough fresh content to convince potential clients and customers of your business’ expertise.

Right now the LinkedIn community is still heavily overlooked; it has low levels of competition, and could be the social network to put you in front of your competition. Are you utilising the LinkedIn network for your business yet? Why not tell us about your thoughts on LinkedIn below?

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