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Manage AdWords Campaigns Offline!

Google Ads is no doubt an extremely powerful online advertising channel; yet often it can be time-consuming, tedious and frustrating. The Google AdWords Editor is an essential tool for any Ads digital marketing campaign manager


The Google AdWords Editor

Google Ads is no doubt an extremely powerful online advertising channel; yet often can be time-consuming, tedious and frustrating. The Google AdWords Editor is an essential tool for any Ads campaign manager. To put it simply, the editor allows users to manage their campaigns from their desktops; producing substantial benefits in the form of simple usability, convenience and time efficiency. Essentially, the editor is a free, lightweight, downloadble application which gives users additional elements of structure and control. It offers a ton of features geared towards making the management of your campaigns just that little bit easier.

What is the Google Ads Editor?

Regardless of how minor or major your changes are, making them with the editor is a breeze. The editor is a streamlining management process that gives users more time and structure. Speaking from experience, one of the best features of the tool is the ability to make multiple changes, and then upload them all once you’re ready. It is an extremely easy tool to utilise; enabling multiple large-scale changes to be completed in seconds (rather than hours). One of the most convenient features of the application is the ability to copy and paste adgroups, ad text, keywords and campaigns throughout an AdWords account (huge benefit for placing an ad throughout numerous campaigns).

What if I have multiple accounts?

The Google Ads editor maintains a similar login process as the online Ads system; allowing for the management of multiple accounts or clients (especially helpful if you’re using a My Client Center (MCC) account). With an extremely straightfoward interface, users are able to import, export and backup data with the click of a button. The editor is an essential tool for any decent online marketing AdWords campaign manager.

Where to get the Editor?

The editor is available for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Mac OS X (10.4 and later), so you can be sure that if you’re looking to do some offline campaign management, the Ads editor is for you. In the editor, users can manage keywords, placements, ads, adgroups, extensions and campaigns. The program even comes with an online help file that provides clear and informative guidance (just incase you get stuck!).


Be sure to familiarise with the editor, it will save you time and frustration in the long run. The Google Ads Editor is an essential tool, regardless of your campaign size, industry experience or Ads capability.The tool offers no promises of increased revenue or traffic, but it will significantly improve your Ads web advertising experience and campaign management efficiency. The team at Kook are your local experts for Google web advertising, Sunshine Coast.

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