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Instagram advertising in Australia

Instagram advertising has launched in Australia and is quickly grabbing a slice of the online marketing pie alongside the likes of Facebook and Google advertising. Kook has been launching customers into Instagram since the day it launched and, while it’s a little early to tell the success as far as ROI goes, the signs are promising. We have found the cost per conversion a little higher than Facebook and Google and

Kook has been launching customers into Instagram since the day it launched and, while it’s a little early to tell the success as far as ROI goes, the signs are promising. We have found the cost per conversion a little higher than Facebook and Google and expect the Return On Investment (ROI) to be slightly lower as a result, but it’s very early days.

Where Instagram is likely to get marketshare from Facebook and Google is purely in age demographics – younger people are moving away from Facebook and into Instagram. The fact it is highly visual means it lends itself to product placement, such as fashion or sporting goods.

The carousel ads feature is a highlight, although it has not yet been enabled for Australia. Carousel ads have been running for a while in Facebook (see one we did for Verve Beachside)  where you can entice the users to swipe ads sideways. You can make the ads a narrative storyboard, or split a photo into several so that it makes the user wants more. Get creative or just show several of your products in one hit.

One of the most positive components of Instagram advertising is that you do not have to include a call to action link or URL, the user can just tap your image and be taken straight to your website, this most definitely creates an ease of use that is specifically catering towards mobile advertising.

Instagram advertising, like Facebook advertising, shows users ads based on how they use they use Instagram itself, whilst also gathering information from Facebook and other third party apps to do its best to target users who they already know are interested in your ads.

While Instagram advertising is still in its infancy, and only time will tell if it has the ROI that other online advertising tools such as Google AdWords and Facebook advertising offer, but it may be the perfect path to a younger audience and will be a great addition to tools at your disposal for online advertising.

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