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Google AdWords Click to Message extension

Google has released a great new ad extension for Google AdWords clients and Kook is excited that our AdWords clients were among the first to beta test it in Australia! Click to Message is an alternative to Click to Call, and gives viewers of paid search ads using smartphones and other web-enabled phone devices yet another easy way to communicate with an advertiser. First, let’s quickly review how Click to Call works. Click to

Google has released a great new ad extension for Google AdWords clients and Kook is excited that our AdWords clients were among the first to beta test it in Australia! Click to Message is an alternative to Click to CallClick to Call Ad Extension, and gives viewers of paid search ads using smartphones and other web-enabled phone devices yet another easy way to communicate with an advertiser.

First, let’s quickly review how Click to Call works. Click to Call ad extensions have been around for a few years now, and as you may know, they allow the viewer of an ad the option of calling the advertiser directly from the ad by clicking a phone icon that appears with the online ad (without ever having to visit the advertisers website). This is excellent for “in the moment” searches that occur during business hours, allowing a potential customer to speak with the advertiser right away. You can schedule when this extension appears, and even forward calls to a free toll-free number to assist in better tracking calls of a certain length as a lead.

But what about the thousands of smartphone users who ironically don’t like speaking to people on the phone and prefer texting or other forms of instant (non verbal) communication?

Google’s answer to that is the Click to Message ad extension, and we’re already seeing incredibly high click through rates as a result. Click to Call Ad Extension Kook’s own Click to Message ad extension appears in our search campaign ads conducted on smartphones at the bottom of the ad. Followed by an SMS / text icon, you can see a headline in the ad that reads “Questions about our services?” The viewer then clicks the SMS icon and their phone’s texting app launches automatically. Advertisers can even setup their Click to Message ad extension to pre-populate the initial message (for example “I have questions about your service, please text me back”), give the client multiple options for pre-populated messages (for example “I have questions about a new website” or “I have questions about digital advertising on Facebook”) and schedule it to appear only during certain hours (in case you aren’t keen to have text messages at 3am).

We’re already seeing significant increases in click through rate (CTR, the rate at which people click an ad after seeing it) for ads that use the Click to Message extension for ads that don’t. Kook’s own ads with the Click to Message extension have a CTR that’s over 60% higher than ads that just show the Click to Call ad extension!

For more information on how Click to Message ad extensions can get customers to start texting your business, please contact Kook’s Digital Marketing team today!

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