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AdWords ROI – Kook Gets Results!

Kook is an official Google Partner. That means we are recognised as being expert managers of Google Ads (AdWords) and other Google premium products, and interpreting website traffic data using Google Analytics. Kook’s Digital Marketing team have the latest certifications in Google Ads Search campaigns, Display campaigns, Shopping campaigns as well as Google Analytics IQ. We are your experts on making the most of the traffic supplied to your websites and apps through Google’s advertising services.

Kook is an official Google Partner. That means we are recognised as being expert managers of Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) and other Google premium products, and interpreting website traffic data using Google Analytics. Kook’s Digital Marketing team have the latest certifications in Google Ads Search campaigns, Display campaigns, Shopping campaigns as well as Google Analytics IQ. We are your experts on making the most of the traffic supplied to your websites and apps through Google’s advertising services.

These days Google advertising is more powerful than ever, however launching into this field without the correct setup can be costly. The last thing we want is to see people throwing away their money on poorly configured advertising that provides no ROI. At Kook we recommend an initial “test and measure” campaign.

This one month program is all about testing the waters, setting up your AdWords groups and campaigns correctly from the beginning, and gaining measurable results so that we can tweak your ads to give the best ROI if you choose to continue using them for future paid advertising. Additional reading: DIY AdWords.


How Does it Work?

  1. We create your ads and choose your keywords, based upon keyword planning recommendations from specialised Google tools and our decade of experience.
  2. Your ads appear on Google. When people search on Google matching your keywords, your ad will appear next to the search results. So you’re talking to an audience that’s already interested in you.
  3. You attract customers directly interested in your keywords. People can simply click your ad to learn more about you and make an inquiry or a purchase. You don’t pay anything unless your ad gets clicked.
  4. Using statistical feedback from Google, your keywords are tweaked and optimised to give you the lowest cost per click, the highest ROI and attract the right type of leads.


A common concern answered

What about when my competitors click my ads and cost me money? In short, Google doesn’t allow that to happen – for your competitors or anyone else for that matter. They have very clever systems that not only stop this “click fraud” from happening, they also refund any budget their systems even suspect may be fraudulent. It’s just not something to be concerned about. Additional reading: Google AdWords Traffic Quality.

Why use Kook for Google Ads?

Because we get results – for small clients and large.

Graph 1: Long-term Kook client who was managing their own Adwords. Kook took over their campaigns in April with the same ad budget. The result was a 90% increase in sales over three months. That’s right, the same budget!

Graph 2: Client who came to us from Reach Local (one of the so-called experts in the field). The flat part of the graph is because the client had no actual data given to them, so we had to wait until late June to get a baseline. Then we optimised the campaigns and as of beginning of August 2014 we have more than doubled sales revenue for the same budget

A focus on return on investment (ROI)

All Kook marketing campaigns are set up to report the actual revenue that results from the marketing spend. Thus, unlike many other providers, you know if you are making money from the venture. This ROI is the key performance indicator in our reporting and communication with you. Each month the focus of our Adwords optimisation is to get you more sales from less costs.


Not all Adwords strategies are the same

We customise a strategy that we believe will work for your business rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Adwords is no longer a simple keyword advertising tool – it has extremely sophisticated and powerful reporting tools and is highly configurable to extract the best value out of your budget.

Depending on your business we will tailor a strategy that may involve mediums such as keyword ads, display ads, display network advertising, Google video ads, product listing ads, remarketing ads or dynamic product remarketing. Within each of these we may segment traffic, bids by key target markets based on attributes such as product type, location, devices used. 



Any data we have at our disposal is available to our customers. For any Adwords campaigns we produce, the client has full access and ownership over that account. If you are not happy with the service you can stop at any time with the reassurance that you own the account and can transfer to another provider or attempt self-management. Thus your investment into the campaign is not limited to your relationship with Kook.


No Hidden Charges

Many Google Ads providers / resellers charge a hidden markup on each click and/or do not disclose what portion of your total spend is admin and what is actual advertising budget. We fundamentally disagree with this approach. We are a fee-for-service company which means our-long term success is based on your success, not your budget.

As such we disclose our management fees, and the actual budget spent with Google is charge to your credit card. It is strictly limited to your budget, and we assure you that you will never be charged more than your agreed budget.

What do you get?

Our optimisation is a process of analysis of the past changes, learning from the results and building on them. Statistical feedback from Google over your first month will allow us to optimise and fine-tune your ads, however if you decide to continue with Kook managing your campaigns into the future, then each month the strategy is reviewed at different times and changes made to the campaign to push the return on the investment higher.

Google is constantly changing the way Google Ads works, evolving the platform you use to manage it, adding new features etc. It’s a full-time job for two people here at Kook just keeping up with the changes to ensure our clients are achieving optimum results. Each month you will be provided with a report that illustrates the performance on the campaign in simple, real monetary terms. We will discuss any changes to the strategy as well as any recommended new technologies / strategies we think may benefit you.


Then What Happens?

After the completion of your one month Test & Measure campaign, you will have a correctly setup AdWords campaign into which you can confidently invest advertising dollars whenever you choose to. We set up everything in your name, so you can choose to take the reins yourself, or you can keep Kook in the loop and have us regularly monitor changes and trends, continually optimising your ads on a regular basis for a monthly fee. * Prices dependent upon monthly ad spend and level of competition in your market.

You will also need to decide what your monthly advertising budget will be. This budget is paid direct to Google, but only for those months when you choose to advertise. As part of our Test & Measure campaign final report, Kook will provide recommendations for a monthly advertising budget to suit your specific industry and needs.

Contact us today for a free marketing analysis and Google Ads strategy for your business. 

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