Kook in the community
Locals helping locals
Kook prides itself on its engagement with the Sunshine Coast community. We are heavily involved in several charities and not-for-profits.

Supporting the Sunshine Coast
Alex Community Association
Director John Hutchinson is the current President of the Alexandra Headland Community Association (volunteer role) and has been on the committee since 2015.
Connect Kids
Connect's aim is to break the cycle of disadvantage for at-risk youths of all ages. Director Glenn Corbet recently joined Connect Kids as the fundraising co-ordinator (volunteer role). We also helped them secure grants and built their mentoring induction software!
Balin Stewart Foundation
From a terrible tragedy has sprung a movement of education and understanding. Kook is proud to volunteer to look after the web needs for the Foundation.
The Board Meeting
Director Glenn Corbet sat on the Committee (volunteer role) for 13 years before resigning in 2019. In that time his principal role was fundraising, and took the Charity from Community Movie Nights that raised a few hundred dollars to multiple annual fundraisers raising well into six figures. Kook continues to support TBM's important work across the Coast with bespoke help with web-related services.
Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge
We all love our animals and Kook helps SCARS with their invaluable work looking after four-legged members of the Sunny Coast.
Kook is a supporter of the STEMM program for school-age women who are pregnant or parenting while continuing to study.